1996-1999 美国麻省理工学院(MIT)77779193永利官网学习,获得建筑技术科学博士学位
1990-1993 77779193永利官网热能工程系学习,获得工学硕士学位
1983-1988 77779193永利官网热能工程系学习,获得工学学士学位
教 授 (07/2005-至今) 77779193永利官网建筑技术科学系, (77779193永利官网百人计划, 教育部“长江学者”特聘教授),建筑环境与设备研究所副所长
副所长 (06/1994-07/1995)北京清华人工环境工程研究所
助教,讲师 (06/1993-07/1995)77779193永利官网热能工程系
助理教授、副教授(终身教席, tenured) (1999-07/2005) 美国迈阿密大学(University of Miami)土木、建筑与环境工程系,建筑环境系统实验室主任
1. 国家“973”课题“低压座舱内多种污染物产生和扩散的非线性规律研究”,负责人(项目号2012CB720102), 2012-2016(在研项目)
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“机械通风房间人与人之间飞沫气溶胶传播特性研究”,负责人(项目号51178237), 2012-2015(在研项目)
3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“乡村建筑热环境与节能技术理论研究” 负责人 (项目号51038005),2011-2014,(在研项目)
4. 77779193永利官网自主科研计划项目“村镇建筑节能情景分析及健康影响评价研究”,负责人,(项目号:2011THZ0),2011-2014(在研项目)
5. 北京市科委项目“幕墙式主被动太阳能供热系统研究”,负责人,(项目号:20121098165),2011-2012(在研项目)
6. 博士点基金课题“乡村建筑太阳能热利用综合能效指标体系和模拟分析”,负责人(项目号:20110002110093),2012-2014(在研项目)
7. A database of volatile organic compounds (VOC) emission in aircraft cabins through the cabin materials and operations of the airplanes,负责人,(项目号:20123000103),资助单位:美国波音公司,2007-现在(在研项目)
8. 建筑通风系统研究,负责人,(项目号:20123010003),资助单位:国家科技部,2011-2012(在研项目)
9. China Building Sector Cost Curve Development in support of Building Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Abatement Research and Analysis,负责人,(项目号:20113000456),资助单位:Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,2011-2012(在研项目)
10. 中国住宅用能调查及典型家庭用能数据收集与分析,负责人,(项目号:20103000123),资助单位:松下电器研究开发(中国)有限公司,2010-2011(已完成)
11. 国家自然科学基金项目“建筑材料VOC吸附特性及其对室内空气质量的影响研究”负责人(项目批准号50878112), 2009-2011 (已完成)
12. 室内空气污染控制研究,教育部留学回国人员启动基金,负责人,2008-2009 (已完成)
13. 国家 “十一五” 科技支撑重大项目“城镇人居环境改善与保障关键技术研究”中的二级课题“建筑室内化学污染控制与改善效果仿真和评价软件研究” 负责人(项目号2006BAJ02A08),2006-2010 (已完成)
14. 国家“十一五”科技支撑重点项目“村镇建筑节能及改善室内热环境关键技术研究”中的二级课题负责人(项目号2006BAJ04B05),2006-2010 (已完成)
15. 北京市被动式太阳房示范项目方案分析和设计,项目负责人,资助单位:北京市科委,2007.1.1-2007.12.31(已完成)
16. 中国北方16省市农村能源生态综合利用和科技发展需求情况全面调研考察,项目负责人,资助单位:77779193永利官网、农业部科技发展中心、北京清华规划设计研究院,2006-2007(已完成)
17. 北京市房山区新农村住宅节能改造示范村,资助单位:北京市规划委员会,2007(已完成)
18. Modeling VOC Sorption of Building Materials and Its Impact on Indoor Air Quality - Phase II (Second Phase of RP-1097),项目负责人(PI),资助单位:美国暖通制冷空调工程师协会(ASHRAE),2007.10-2009.10 (已完成)
19. 解放军总医院肿瘤中心层流病房净化空调送风组织研究方案,项目负责人,资助单位:中国人民解放军总医院,2007-2008(已完成)
20. 建筑材料污染物散发与传播过程的基础研究,项目负责人,资助单位:教育部博士点基金项目(项目号20060003065),2007.1-2009.12(已完成)
21. 室内空气污染控制实验室搭建,项目负责人,资助单位:上海波城建筑设计有限公司,2006.1-2006.10(已完成)
22. 室内有机化学和微生物污染去除新方法关键机理问题研究, 项目参加人(项目号50436040),资助单位:国家科学基金重点项目,2005-2008(已完成)
2007年创办了建筑模拟领域第一个英文国际期刊“Building Simulation: An International Journal” 并担任主编(Editor-in-Chief);主办国际研讨会2次;多次邀请国外专家来校进行学术交流和出访美国、法国等国家地区参加国际交流会;应邀到美国哈佛大学、美国波音公司等进行学术报告30余次。
1. 2011年获美国供热、通风和空调工程师协会(ASHRAE)Fellow
2. 2011年获国际室内空气质量学会(ISIAQ)Fellow
3. 2008年获美国供热、通风和空调工程师协会(ASHRAE)杰出贡献奖
4. 2000年教育部科技进步二等奖(排名第三)
5. 2000年美国疾病预防与控制中心(CDC)青年研究科学家奖(SERCA)
6. 2000年美国暖通制冷空调工程师协会(ASHRAE)研究新人奖(New Investigator Award)
7. 1999年获美国麻省理工学院Martin Fellow
8. 1998年获美国暖通制冷空调工程师协会(ASHRAE)Life Member Club Award
9. 1998年获美国暖通制冷空调工程师协会(ASHRAE)研究生资助奖(Grant-in-Aid Award)
10. 1993年获77779193永利官网优秀青年教师
11. 1990年获中国建筑科学研究院研究成就奖
第十届国际建筑模拟会议 (Building Simulation 2007) ,副主席(Co-Chair) ,2007
第十届室内空气品质和气候国际会议 Indoor Air 2005,组委会委员,2005
“建筑模拟”国际期刊 (Building Simulation) 创办人兼主编,2007-现在
“建筑与环境”国际期刊 (Building and Environment) 副主编,2007-现在
美国供热、通风和空调工程师协会(ASHRAE)研究管理委员会成员, 2013-现在
“能源与建筑”国际期刊 (Energy and Buildings) 编委,2010-现在
“美国环境科学与技术协会学刊”(Journal of the IEST)编委会成员,2002-现在
全国暖通空调学会特别顾问 (学会对外交流), 2009-现在
建筑安全与环境国家重点实验室学术委员会委员 ,2007-现在
美国供热、通风和空调工程师协会(ASHRAE)技术委员会(TC 4.3)秘书,2005-2007
1. Yang M., Yang X., Wang P., Shan M., Deng J. A new Chinese solar kang and its dynamic heat transfer model. Energy and Buildings. 2013, in press.
2. Li Q., You R., Chen C. and Yang X. A field investigation and comparative study of indoor environmental quality in heritage Chinese rural buildings with thick rammed earth wall. Energy and Buildings. 2013, in press.
3. Shan M., Yang M., Yang X. Renewable energy utilization in Chinese buildings: technology development and demonstration projects. ASHRAE Transactions, 2012, V 118 PART 1, 508-513.
4. Yang M., Wang P., Yang X. Ming Shan. Experimental analysis on thermal performance of a solar air collector with a single pass. Building and Environment, 2012, V56, 361-369
5. Liang W., Gao P. Guan J. and Yang X. Modeling volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations due to material emissions in a real residential unit. Part Ⅰ: Methodology and a preliminary case study. Building Simulation. 2012, 5(4): 351-357.
6. Yang M., Wang P., Yang X. and Shan M. Experimental analysis on thermal performance of a solar air collector with a single pass. Building and Environment. 2012, 56: 361-369.
7. Tang F. and Yang X. A "deactivation" kinetic model for predicting the performance of photocatalytic degradation of indoor toluene, o-xylene, and benzene. Building and Environment. 2012, 56: 329-334.
8. Li Q., Sun X., Chen C. and Yang X. Characterizing the household energy consumption in heritage Nanjing Tulou buildings, China: A comparative field survey study. Energy and Buildings. 2012, 49: 317-326.
9. Deng, Q., Yang, X. , Zhang J.S. Key Factor Analysis of VOC Sorption and Its Impact on Indoor Pollutant Concentrations: the Role of Ventilation. Building and Environment. 2012, 47: 182-187
10. Chun Chen, Bin Zhao, Xudong Yang. Impact of two-way airflow due to temperature difference on preventing the entry of outdoor particles using indoor positive pressure control method. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2011, 186: 1290-1299
11. Chun Chen, Bin Zhao, Xudong Yang. Preventing the entry of outdoor particles using indoor positive pressure control method: Analysis of influencing factors and cost. Building and Environment. 2011, 46: 1167-1173
12. Chun Chen, Bin Zhao, Xudong Yang, Yuguo Li. Role of two-way airflow owing to temperature difference in SARS transmission-Revisiting the largest nosocomial SARS outbreak in Hong Kong. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 2011. 8: 699-710
13. Chen, FN; Yang, X; Mak, HKC; Chan, DWT. 2010. Photocatalytic oxidation for antimicrobial control in built environment: A brief literature overview, Building and Environment 45 (8):1747-1754 2010
14. Deng Q., Yang, X., Zhang, J. 2010. A new method to evaluate volatile organic compound sorption capacity of building materials, HVAC&R Research 2010,16(1) : 95-105
15. Caiqing Yang, Hui Shi, Xudong Yang, Bin Zhao. 2010. Research on Flow Resistance Characteristics with Different Window/Door Opening Angles, HVAC&R Research 2010,16(6) : 813-824
16. Gao P., Deng Q, Yang X. 2010. Impact of air pressure on volatile organic compound emissions from a carpet, Journal of Central South University of Technology.
17. Yang, X., Jiang, Y., Yang, M., Shan, M. 2010. Energy and environment in Chinese rural housing: current status and future perspective. Front. Energy Power Eng. China, 4(1):35-46.
18. Xu, Y., Yang, X., Yang, C. and Srebric, J. 2009. Contaminant dispersion with personal displacement ventilation, Part I: Base case study. Building and Environment, 44(10): 2121-2128.
19. Yang, C., Yang, X., Sun, L. and Gong, W. 2009. Optimization of bathroom ventilation design for an ISO Class 5 clean ward, Building Simulation, 2(2): 133-142.
20. Zhao, B., Yang, C., Chen, C., Feng, C., Yang, X., Sun, L., Gong, W. and Yu, L. 2009. How Many Airborne Particles Emitted from a Nurse will Reach the Breathing Zone/Body Surface of the patient Environments?-A numerical Analysis. Aerosol Science and Technology. 43(10): 990-1005
21. Chen, F., Yang, X., Wu, Q. 2009. Photocatalytic oxidation of Escherischia coli, Aspergillus niger and formaldehyde under different UV irradiation conditions, Environmental Science & Technology 43(12): 4606-4611
22. Chen, F., Yang, X., Xu, F., Wu, Q., Zhang, Y, 2009. Correlation of Photocatalytic Bactericidal Effect and Organic Matter Degradation of TiO2 Part I: Observation of Phenomena, Environmental Science & Technology 43(4):1180-1184
23. Deng, Q., Yang, X., Zhang, J. 2009. Study on a new correlation between diffusion coefficient and temperature in porous building materials, Atmospheric Environment, 43, 2080-2083.
24. Deng, Q., Zhang, J.S., Yang, X. 2009a. The validation of a VOC diffusion sink model based on full-scale chamber test (RP-1321), ASHRAE Transactions 115.
25. Chen, F., Yang, X., Wu, Q., 2009. Antifungal capability of TiO2 coated film on moist wood, Building and Environment 44(5):1088-1093
26. Yan, W., Yang, X., Shan, M., 2009. How to simplify computer simulated person (CSP) for modeling personal microenvironment: comparison and case studies, ASHRAE Transaction
27. Yang, X. 2008. Building simulation: new journal, new start, Building Simulation (Editorial) 1 (2008) 1-4.
28. Yang, X., Zhang, Y., 2008. Modeling, assessment, and control of indoor air quality, Building and Environment (Editorial) 43 (2008) 237
29. Srebric, J., Vukovic, V., He, G., Yang, X. 2008. CFD boundary conditions for contaminant dispersion simulations around human occupants in indoor environments, Building and Environment 43 (2008) 294-303
30. Yan, D., Song, F., Yang, X., Jiang, Y. et al. 2008. An integrated modeling tool for simultaneous analysis of thermal performance and indoor air quality in buildings, Building and Environment 43 (2008) 287-293
31. T Song, B Zhao, X Yang, Y Jiang, VP Gopal, G Dobbs. 2008. A new approach on zonal modeling of indoor environment with mechanical ventilation. Building and Environment 43 (2008) 278-286
32. Yang, X. and Wang, Y. 2008. Photocatalytic effect on plasmid DNA damage under different UV irradiation time. Building and Environment 43 (2008) 253-257
33. B Zhao, C. Yang, X Yang, S. Liu 2008. Particle dispersion and deposition in ventilated rooms: Testing and evaluation of different Eulerian and Lagrangian models. Building and Environment 43 (2008) 388-397
34. Chen, Q., Yang, X., Zhao, B. Particles, Aerosols, and Their Transport in the Built Environment (editorial), Atmospheric Environment, 41 (2007) 5179-5180.
35. Li, Y., Leung, G.M., Tang, J., Yang, X., Chao, C., Lin, J.Z., Lu, J. etc. 2007. The role of ventilation in the airborne transmission of infectious agents in built environment – a multi-disciplinary systematic review, Indoor Air, 17, 2-18.
36. Liu, Z., Zhao, B., Yang, X. 2007. A method for calculating a ventilation bypass factor, Indoor and Built Environment 16(5), 472-481.
37. James, J.P. and Yang, X. 2007. Healthy and energy-efficient housing in hot and humid climates: a model design, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 14 Sup., 310-313.
38. James, J. and Yang, X. 2005. Emission measurement of green and non-green materials used in buildings, Indoor and Built Environment, 14(1), 69-74
39. He, G. and Yang, X. 2005. On regression method to obtain emission parameters of building materials, Building and Environment 40, 1282-1287.
40. He, G., Yang, X., Srebric, J. 2005. Removal of contaminants released from room surfaces by displacement and mixing ventilation: modeling and validation, Indoor Air 15(5), 367-380.
41. Wang, Y., Yang, X., Wang, Y., Wang, YB., Han, ZY. 2005. Disinfection and bactericidal effect using photocatalytic oxidation, HKIE Transactions – Special Edition. 39-43.
42. He, G., Yang, X. and Shaw, C.Y. 2005. Material emission parameters obtained through regression, Indoor and Built Environment 14(1), 59-68.
43. He, G., Yang, X., Srebric, J. 2005. Effects of Source Location on Contaminant Dispersion in a Displacement Ventilated Room, ASHRAE Transactions Vol 111, Part 1.
44. Zhao, B., Wu, P., Song, F., Yan, D., Yang, X., Li, X., Jiang, Y. 2004. Numerical simulation of indoor PM distribution in the whole year by zonal model, Indoor and Built Environment 13(6), 453-462.
45. Yang, X., Srebric, J. Li, X., He G. 2004. Performance of three air distribution systems in VOC removal from an area source, Building and Environment 39(11), 1289-1299.
46. Li, D., Li, X., Guo, Y., Yang, J., Yang, X. 2004. A generalized algorithm for simulating contaminant distribution in complex ventilation systems with re-circulation, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A – Applications, 45(6), 583-599.
47. Zhao, B., Li, X., Zhang, Y., Yang, X., Huang, D. 2004. Comparison of indoor aerosol particle concentration and deposition in different ventilated rooms by numerical method, Building and Environment 39(1), 1-8.
48. Zhao, B., Zhang, Z., Yang, X., Li, X., and Huang, D. 2004. Numerical analysis of micro-climate of desk displacement ventilation, Journal of the IEST Vol. 47, No. 2.
49. Zhao, B., Cao, L., Li, X., Yang, X., Huang, D. 2004. Comparison of indoor environment of a local concentrated clean room at dynamic and steady status by numerical method. Journal of the IEST Vol. 47, No. 1.
50. Zhao, J. and Yang, X. 2003. Photocatalytic oxidation for indoor air purification: a literature review, Building and Environment 38, 645-654.
51. Li, D., Li, X., Yang, X., Dou, C. 2003. "Total air age in the room ventilated by multiple air handling units: Part 1, an algorithm," ASHRAE Transactions, 109 (2), 829-836.
52. Li, X., Li, D., Yang, X., Yang, J. 2003. "Total air age: an extension of the air age concept," Building and Environment, 38, 1263-1269.
53. Shi, W., Shao, S., Li, X., Peng, X., Yang, X. 2003. “A network model to simulate performance of variable refrigerant volume refrigeration systems,” ASHRAE Transaction. 109 (2), 61-68.
54. Ren, H., Zhao, B., Li, X., Fan, H., Yang, X. 2003. Influence of diffuser jet characteristics on indoor air distribution under actual connecting conditions, Journal of Architectural Engineering, 9(4), 141-144.
55. Wang B., Zhang M., Li X., Yang X. 2003. Experimental investigation of discharge performance and temperature distribution of an external melt ice-on-coil storage tank, HVAC&R Research 9 (3), 291-308.
56. Zhang, J., Zhang, J.S., Chen, Q., and Yang, X. 2002. A critical review on studies of volatile organic compound (VOC) sorption by building materials, ASHRAE Transactions, 108(1).
57. Yang, X., Chen, Q., Zeng, J., Zhang, J.S., and Shaw, C.Y. 2001. A mass transfer model for simulating VOC sorption on building materials, Atmospheric Environment, 35(7), 1291-1299.
58. Yang, X., Chen, Q., Zeng, J., Zhang, J.S., and Shaw, C.Y. 2001. A mass transfer model for simulating volatile organic compound emissions from 'wet' coating materials applied to absorptive substrates, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 44(9), 1803-1815.
59. Yang, X., Chen, Q., Zeng, J., Zhang, J.S., Nong, G., and Shaw, C.Y. 2001. Effects of airflow on VOC emissions from 'wet' coating materials: experimental measurements and numerical simulation, ASHRAE Transactions, 107(1).
60. Yang, X., Chen, Q., Zhang, J.S, Magee, R. Zeng, J. and Shaw, C.Y. 2001. Numerical simulation of VOC emissions from dry materials, Building and Environment, 36(10), 1099-1107.
61. Yang, X., Chen, Q. Zeng, J., Zhang, J.S., and Shaw, C.Y. 2001. Effects of environmental and test conditions on VOC emissions from "wet" coating materials, Indoor Air, 11, 270-278.
62. Yang, X. and Chen, Q. 2001. A coupled airflow and source/sink model for simulating indoor VOC exposures, Indoor Air, 11, 257-269.
63. Yuan, X., Chen, Q., Glicksman, L.R., Hu, Y., and Yang, X. 1999. Measurements and computations of room airflow with displacement ventilation, ASHRAE Transactions 105(1) 340-352.
64. Yang, X., Chen, Q., and Zhang, J. 1998. Impact of early stage incomplete mixing on estimating VOC emissions in small test chambers, Indoor Air, 8, 180-189.
65. Yang, X., Chen, Q. and Bluyssen, P.M. 1998. Prediction of short-term and long-term volatile organic compound emissions from SBR bitumen-backed carpet under different temperatures, ASHRAE Transactions, 104(2), 1297-1308.
66. Jiang, Y., Li, J. and Yang, X. 1995. Fault direction space method for on-line fault detection, ASHRAE Transactions, 101(2), 219-228.
1. Chao Wang, Xudong Yang, Bin Zhao, Fengna Chen, Sheng Wang. The Risk Assessment of Benzene and Formaldehyde in Residential Buildings in Shenzhen, China. Indoor Air 2011, Texas, USA, 2011
2. Weihui Liang, Xudong Yang. Simulation fo Indoor Volatile Organic compounds (VOCs) Concentration under Different Air Change per Hour (ACH). Indoor Air 2011, Texas, USA, 2011
3. W. Liang, P. Gao. J. Guan, X. Yang. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) concentration simulation of a newly decorated residential unit. ISHVAC 2011, Shanghai, China, 2011
4. Xudong Yang, Ming Yang, Ming Shan. Energy and IAQ in Chinese Rural Housing: Sustainable Strategies and Demonstration Projects. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation, and Energy Conservation in Buildings (IAQVEC 2010),Syracuse, USA (Keynote Speech, 大会主旨报告论文),2010.
5. Ming Yang, Ming Shan, Xudong Yang. Experimental Research on Thermal Performance of the Chinese Fire Wall. Experimental Research on Thermal Performance of the Chinese Fire Wall. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation, and Energy Conservation in Buildings (IAQVEC 2010),Syracuse, USA (Keynote Speech, 大会主旨报告论文),2010.
6. Caiqing Yang, Xudong Yang, Bin Zhao. Infection risk analysis of SARS infection and non-infection cases in a hospital. Proceedings of IAQ2010 International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2010.
7. Shan, M; Li, YZ; Yang, XD, Design and study of a novel system for solid desiccant dehumidification, 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING, VOL I-III, PROCEEDINGS782-789 2009, Nanjing, China.
8. Caiqing Yang, Hui Shi and Xudong Yang. The discharge coefficient of door cracks between a clean ward and its adjacent room. EERB-BEPH 2009, Guilin, China,2009.
9. Ming Shan, Caiqing Yang and Xudong Yang. On site testing of thermal performances of an aerial slab ventilated roof. Guilin, China,2009.
10. Deng Q., Gao P., Yang X. Effect of VOC sorption on IAQ by simulating typical cases, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings and the 3rd International Conference on Built Environment and Public Health (EERB-BEPH conference), Guilin, China,2009.
11. Peng Gao, Xudong Yang, Chao-Hsin Lin. Comparison of VOC emissions from the same carpets by headspace analysis and dynamic chamber test. Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2009, Syracuse, America, September, 2009.
12. Gao P., Deng Q., Lin, C., Yang X. Impact of Air Pressure on VOC Emissions from a Carpet, Proceedings of Sustainable Development in Building and Environment (SuDBE), Chongqing, China, 2009.
13. Yang, X. Jiang, Y. 2008. Energy and environment in Chinese rural housing: road to sustainability, Keynote speech in the First International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2008), Dalian, China, July 2008. 第一届建筑能源与环境国际会议主旨发言论文
14. Jiang, Y., Yang, X., Yang, X. 2005. Building energy consumption: toward a sustainable future, Inter-Academy Council Energy workshop, Beijing, China. 2005年中国科学院、美国科学院、欧洲科学院国际能源研讨会主旨发言论文
1. 杨旭东,建筑材料有害物散发及室内空气品质研究,美国麻省理工学院(MIT)博士学位论文,09/1999
2. 杨旭东(主编),郑竹凌,单明,李涛.《新农村房屋节能技术》,中国社会出版社, 2006
3. Xudong Yang: Environmental Engineering: Environmental Health and Safety for Municipal Infrastructure, Land Use and Planning, and Industry, 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2009, Author for “Chapter 2: Residential and Institutional Environment”. 2009, 83-176.
4. 王继明,卜城,屠峥嵘,杨旭东,谢庚(合编). 高校土木工程专业规划教材《建筑设备》,中国建筑工业出版社,2007
5. 卜城、屠峥嵘、杨旭东、谢庚 (合编),高校工程管理专业指导委员会推荐教材《建筑设备》,中国建筑工业出版社2010。
6. 77779193永利官网建筑节能研究中心著(杨旭东参编),《中国建筑节能年度发展研究报告》,中国建筑工业出版社,2012年,2009年,2008年,2007年